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Scrolls of Aderia. Sons of Sternwall


Robin Siep

5,0 / 5 (2 reviews )
22 ,50
Gratis verzending in Nederland en België
Twee tot vijf werkdagen
(Nederland en België) (Past door brievenbus)


Trouble is brewing in the kingdom of Aderia and Lord Toomas Maras finds himself to be at the very heart of it. While his three sons are scattered across the land, the Lord of Sternwall is confronted with whispers of an old and mysterious enemy, thought to be long defeated. In a world where noble lords face cunning assassins and pious priests clash with power-hungry knights - who will recognise the threat at hand, before it destroys them all?

Over de auteur

"Born in Tholen in 1986, I am currently living and working in Utrecht, where I’ve studied Ancient History. I’ve been writing stories for as long as I can remember – at elementary school I read self-written fairytales to my classmates and in high school I wrote my first Dutch novel. Sons of Sternwall is my first English novel and also the first part of a trilogy."


9789402202892 / 978-94-022-0289-2

16 x 24 cm


"‘We have to get out of here!’ Nick screamed. ‘Get up, we have to go!’
Nathaly looked up at him with a panicked expression on her face. She was trembling heavily and seemed unable to move. Another loud whistle cut through the night sky and Nick dropped himself to the ground instinctively. Pieces of stone were launched in all directions as the cannonball struck the wall beneath him and the screams of the wounded guardsman could no longer be heard. As Nick watched another cannonball shoot by and miss the building by a hair’s length, he quickly decided he would be safer inside.
Just as he had turned around though, half the balcony exploded in a shower of wood and wicker and Nick was thrown off the side by the impact of the shot. He fell, and his hands desperately tried to find something to hang on to. Clawing wildly he found a window frame and managed to grab it, sending a jolt of pain up his left arm. Around him it was raining stone and wood and glass.
Gasping for breath Nick tried to hang on, while large splinters were sticking into his flesh. He was feeling dizzy, his vision shaky and his ears ringing from the impact. Far away, he thought he could hear Nathaly scream at the top of her lungs, but he couldn’t be sure of it. There was pain everywhere as pieces of debris kept swirling around him, beating him and piercing him relentlessly. Blood ran over his cheeks and down his arm and for a moment he wondered if he would survive the long fall down.
Then there was another impact nearby that made his hand slip and this time there was nothing left for Nick to hang on to.
Now I will find out."


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door Bas op 10-12-2013
Een van de leukste fantasyboeken die er te krijgen is. Geloofbare, menselijke karakters die allemaal hun sterke en zwakke kanten hebben. Geen duidelijk goed-slecht slecht verhaal wat ik zelf altijd zeer fijn vind. Elk personage zit in het grijze gebied, en er zijn eigenlijk maar weinig onschuldigen te vinden.

Een klein puntje van kritiek is dat mijn persoonlijk favoriete karakter van mij nog veel meer hoofdstukken mag krijgen, maar ik ga er van uit dat dit in de volgende delen ook zeker zal gebeuren.

Ik hoop dat deze relatief onbekende schrijver snel een groter publiek krijgt die dit meesterstuk kan waarderen.
door Jeroen Rijnboutt op 05-11-2013
Alweer het vierde boek van Robin Siep en absoluut de beste van allemaal. Van begin tot eind houdt 'Sons of Sternwall' je in zijn greep. Een origineel plot vol spanning, intrige en verraad. Terwijl de actie van de bladzijden spat, houdt Robin Siep de focus op de personages. Nergens wordt de oprechtheid van de familie Maras opgeofferd aan de fantasie van de schrijver. Een topboek! En nu maar hopen dat de volgende delen uit deze trilogie niet lang op zich laten wachten!