Voorkant cover
Achterkant cover

A dead heart still loves


Nicky Lelito

17 ,50
Gratis verzending in Nederland en België
Twee tot vijf werkdagen
(Nederland en België) (Past door brievenbus)


Jason is dead. Or that’s what Kaylin thought. Kaylin’s brother appears one evening and tells her how much he misses her. But not all is as innocent as it looks. When Jason starts murdering everyone who has some kind of connection to his sister. Kaylin and her best friend, Edith, try to escape from him, while he follows them wherever they go. With the help Edith’s former butler they meet Cooper’s cousin and a strange old woman with a rather unusual ‘gift’.

Over de auteur

"When I was little I started to write one-page stories in Dutch, sadly the stories never had an end. Now I took my chance and decided to write a longer story, but in English. Although it wasn’t my first intention to publish it, I’m happy I did."


9789402206098 / 978-94-022-0609-8
Boekscout YO

12,5 x 20 cm


I walked through the house and hoped to find mom. I looked around in every room: Nothing. Then I thought that she might be visiting our neighbors. So I decided to wait until she would come back. I made myself something to eat, and then I watched TV. Why does it take so long?, I thought. Meanwhile I saw the clock ticking further and further.
Then something unexpected happened and the clock actually stopped ticking. I looked at it with confused eyes and then I saw the lights dim a bit. "Hello?", I asked, hoping that it was just my mom, but there was no reply. I stood up to look at the front door, I couldn’t find it. The walls looked like they would collapse any moment and the color had vanished. It was once a beige color with pictures from my brother, my mom and me. But now it was just a gray wall. It had several bursts and…and…was that mold? I screwed up my nose in disgust when I realized it was indeed mold.
I looked back at the TV. It wasn’t working properly anymore, black spots appeared and then all of a sudden it showed a boy. He said something, I couldn’t make out any words. When I looked more closely the boy seemed to remind me of someone I knew. I felt a tear slip down my cheek and watched the boy shake his head. He was my brother.
Then he said a little louder: "One tear, one simple tear knows all your fear…one tear knows all your feelings and thoughts. But when it’s falling down, it’s just water, water with a sad end." It sounded poetic. My brother gave a small crooked smile and disappeared as sudden as he had appeared.

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