Voorkant cover
Achterkant cover

The Dutch cowboy
A Dutchman, a dream, a cowboy


William Muijs

5,0 / 5 (1 reviews )
23 ,50
Gratis verzending in Nederland en België
Twee tot vijf werkdagen
(Nederland en België) (Past door brievenbus)


As a prelude to living the dream of living in America, William Muijs became a western saddlemaker and drove American cars. This book describes him as a full-time cowboy and as one of the makers showing his handmade saddles in Las Vegas, Nevada at a prestigious shows. It paints a picture of him living his dream with ups and downs, never giving up despite the stumbling blocks that tried to prevent this. A life’s lessons well learned for him and maybe for everybody reading it; Never give up!

Over de auteur

William Muijs was born in the small village of Linschoten in The Netherlands shortly after the second world war in a fast changing world. Emigrated relatives made William decide that was what he wanted too, a dream he has had ever since he was eight years old. A dream he cherished but wasn’t shared by the loves in his life. Because of that it took until his fiftieth year for the dream to come true.


9789402233490 / 978-94-022-3349-0

16 x 24 cm


The last thing I saw, before arriving home, was the carpenter’s shop. Sometimes I would go in to ask for some small slats, so I could make a kite. Every once in a while, you could see them making a coffin, then you knew someone had died. This intrigued me and when my mom called me to come home, I took too much time getting there.
School was out at 4 pm, and when my dad came home at 5pm, he wanted to have an early dinner so he could go to our garden and work on our produce. Sometimes I had to go with him to help with the watering, and later, I would help with the harvest. We would prepare the produce to be ready to be put in the big rented freezer for the winter season. I can remember going into the below zero freezer compartment in summer, when temperatures outside ranged from 80-90 degrees, only wearing a T-Shirt and shorts. I didn’t stay in there longer than necessary. I was always afraid of that big, thick door. I worried that it would close on me and I would not be able to get out. However, they did have a stick close to it for your protection, it could keep the door from closing. We did not have a freezer at home so this big freezer was necessary for us to maintain our food for the winter. It was a big storage for fruit cooling and they had compartments for rent for people like us. I also remember that I didn’t always like to help because when my friends were playing, I had to work. But by winter, we had good food and then I understood why we worked so hard. My neighborhood friends liked to eat with us and I know I didn’t like to eat at their homes… LOL. My mom was a good cook and we had pretty good food. I had an aunt and uncle, who owned a grocery store, and lived in the same town. My dad would sometimes deliver special groceries to them because they would sell our produce to special people in town, such as, the mayor, the pastor and many more VIPs. They knew how good our produce was. In general the people of our own church received it for free when we had more than we could eat ourselves. I also took some to our friends and people who attended the same church as we did. My aunt and uncle went to another church but my cousins attended the same school as we did.


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door Astrid van Lunsen op 19-04-2017
Book review the Dutch cowboy:

Sometimes you come across people that seem to own that certain vibe, they have this specialty about themselves which makes you wonder about their story, and then they write one....

Not knowing William personally but having some small talk every now and then on social media gave me the feeling we might have some things in common, starting with the mutual fascination for the life in the great U.S.A (in his case also Canada)

Although we have an age difference I truly understand his uncomfortable feeling about "belonging somewhere else"and having few people really understanding and supporting these inner demons.
There's a difference between having a dream and actually having the guts to act on it and I admire his strength and determination.

Reading his life story was an eye opener and makes you realise that only YOU are in charge of achieving your dream, have a plan and stick to it with all the risks and disappointments in the process.
I admire his willingness to aim high .

I'm amazed by the wonderful art his hands create and these items are extraordinary .
Reading his experience about the negative side of this business and the deception makes me even more appreciative of his belief in his product and continuation to follow his artistic heart.

While reading you can picture his struggles ,his strenght,his personality ,his belief to find love , and it leaves you with the thought or rather a question >> what's next !?cause his"story"is far from done .....

With kind regards,

Astrid van Lunsen -Kosterman