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Magic, Memories and More
Five short stories in the twilight of fact and fiction


WJ van Egmond

21 ,99
Gratis verzending in Nederland en België
Twee tot vijf werkdagen
(Nederland en België) (Past door brievenbus)


Five stories based on Magic, Memories and more, The One - A story on how a famous magician is forced to save the world… Me and my Elephant - How I met the same elephant three times… Ghosts of Amargosa - Facts cross fiction at this magical hotel at Death Valley Junction… The Last Picture - Ambrosius Gant takes the same Polaroid picture of a bus stop over and over again. Then two young boys disturb his monthly routine… Stopper - Tom is an orphan with a dangerous gift. Madame Ellenore adopts him into her freakshow family. Tom performs a killer sideshow act… Enjoy,

Over de auteur

Film operator, Youth worker, Toy shop manager, Gas station employee, SFX Make-up artist, Art director, Film director, Producer, Sets and props builder, Taxidermist, Magician, Singer songwriter and now debuting as an author, Willem-Jan van Egmond traveled around a bit. With this short story bundle he wants to share some of his adventures and stories he dreamed up along the way. Willem-Jan was born in 1970, married Heleen in Vegas, now lives in Germany and owns a cat called Floris.


9789464507003 / 978-94-645-0700-3
Engels (Amerikaans)




People know me as Oswald King. Twenty-two years ago, I started performing at birthday parties, dressed as a clown making balloon animals and doing some lame magic tricks for the kids. Good money at times, but after two or three humiliating incidents, I decided it was time to move on.
I got the chance to start working as a stagehand at one of the big magic shows in Las Vegas. Big, bold shows, fooling people to the max. I loved it. Over time I learned all the tricks of the trade, and at some point, started my own show just off the strip.
In no time I became one of the best-known acts in town and became as popular as David Copperfield or Penn and TelIer and was called ‘The King of magic’.
I felt a bit like Elvis, living the American dream.
Now I am laying in a state-of-the-art hospital bed with people staring at me.
The room looks nothing like a hospital room, more like a small luxury apartment somewhere in upstate New York. Then a nurse walks in and two doctors follow.
I feel like a wet towel hung out to dry. All limbs are there but moving them feels like another dimension. I am connected to all kinds of tubes and wires. Stickers are glued to my head and chest. Monitors are beeping at a steady pace. I see the two doctors talk with the bearded man. It looks like they agree on something.
A nurse checks the drip line going into my arm and smiles at me.
‘Don’t worry we will help you...’ she whispers while fluffing up my pillows.
‘My name is Betty’ she says and helps me sit up straight a bit better.
I want to say ‘Thank you’ but realize no words come out.

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